Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Rob-B-Hood aka Robin-B-Hood (2006)

Jackie Chan rehashes Three Men and a Baby and fails to impress in this Hong Kong-made effort.

I should note that I did not see the Dragon Dynasty release of this film. Instead I finally popped in a pirated DVD that I bought in Asia a couple years ago. It took me that long to get to the boredom level that I would actually watch a movie co-starring a baby.

Rob-B-Hood also stars Michael Hui who worked with Jackie in the Cannonball Run films and Louis Koo who's job is mainly to look cute which he accomplishes.

The few action scenes are ok but nothing special.
This movie can get disturbing at times, like when they put the baby in the washing machine and turn it on. This baby receives so much trauma in this movie over and over again that it would die in real life or have serious brain damage at the least.
Jackie and Louis have some funky style in this film and seem to like to wear bright colors, especially pink.

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