Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Iron-Fisted Monk (1977)

Sammo Hung makes his directorial debut in 1977's The Iron-Fisted Monk. If you like old-school fu, then you should check out this film. If you are looking for realistic fighting, look somewhere else.

Be warned, this film contains a pretty graphic rape scene that is pretty shocking.

Also, Chen Sing is really great as a shaolin monk.

If you want to see this film be sure to get the DVD released by Twentieth Century Fox. The picture quality is second to none and it has great audio with excellent English dubbing. It is another excellent job by Fox.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Rob-B-Hood aka Robin-B-Hood (2006)

Jackie Chan rehashes Three Men and a Baby and fails to impress in this Hong Kong-made effort.

I should note that I did not see the Dragon Dynasty release of this film. Instead I finally popped in a pirated DVD that I bought in Asia a couple years ago. It took me that long to get to the boredom level that I would actually watch a movie co-starring a baby.

Rob-B-Hood also stars Michael Hui who worked with Jackie in the Cannonball Run films and Louis Koo who's job is mainly to look cute which he accomplishes.

The few action scenes are ok but nothing special.
This movie can get disturbing at times, like when they put the baby in the washing machine and turn it on. This baby receives so much trauma in this movie over and over again that it would die in real life or have serious brain damage at the least.
Jackie and Louis have some funky style in this film and seem to like to wear bright colors, especially pink.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Lucky Stars (1985)

If you like wacky Asian comedies, you'll love My Lucky Stars. If you want a Jackie Chan movie, you'll be hugely disappointed. Jackie is hardly in this film.

The few fight scenes in the film are decent but nothing really special. I think most Asians will really enjoy the humor in My Lucky Stars but most westerners will find it too silly.

Also, Bolo Yeung makes a cameo.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sixty Million Dollar Man (1995)

Just finished watching Sixty Million Dollar Man. Not exactly sure what to make of it. It is pretty goofy and all over the place and I am pretty sure it is better if you understand Chinese. Maybe it would be better if Dragon Dynasty would release it and add an English dub.

Stephen Chow is young and good looking and plays his typical character and Ng-Man Tat plays his sidekick as usual. There are plenty of special effects that aren't really good but not too terrible either. This film may be worth a look to hardcore Stephen Chow fans but don't expect a masterpiece like Kung Fu Hustle.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Fight Back to School (1991)

Fight Back to School is one of Stephen Chow's early comedy hits. It still holds up pretty well for a film that is 18 years old and Chow is as charming as ever. He is joined by his usual cohorts Ng Man-Tat and the always lovely Sharla Cheung.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Heart of a Dragon aka First Mission (1985)

Heart of a Dragon is a unique film but not everyone is going to like it.

Sammo Hung directs Jackie Chan in this interesting drama. Sammo plays Jackie's retarded brother and Jackie's character wants to do his own thing but he is always being held back because he has to take care of his brother. There is no action in this film until the end. The finale is the typical excellent 80's HK action scene but what makes it different is we see Jackie Chan getting uncharacteristically violent.

There are some different versions of this film out there but the one I saw is the DVD released by 20th Century Fox. They remastered it and gave it a beautiful treatment. The picture and audio are terrific. I recommend this DVD if you are going to see this film.

If you want nothing but action you may want to skip Heart of a Dragon but if you want to see Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung doing something very different you may want to give it a look.

Here is music video for Heart of a Dragon.

Pedicab Driver (1989)

I can not review this film too well. I ordered it off of ebay and got a disc distributed by Bonzai Media Corporation. The picture and audio quality were terrible.
The film looked to be a pretty decent movie but the experience with this DVD was not a good one. There wasn't much action until the end and they had a pretty good action finale.

I did some research on Bonzai Media Corporation on the internet and every one that got a movie made by them was disappointed. Make sure you never buy a film made by Bonzai Media Corp.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Shamo (2007)

Shamo is the type of film that you are really going to like or dislike. I can't say I liked this stylish, comic book adaptation due to the fact that there are no likable characters. The "hero" of the film is a murderer and all around sleazy guy. I didn't exactly want to root for him.

However, I am sure that there are people that will like Shamo for its edginess, style, and karate action. Still, I would find a 1980's Van Damme flick more fun.

I bought the DVD because of the cool teaser trailer on youtube. Check it out.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Mismatched Couples

Starring Donnie Yen and Yuen Woo-Ping

Mismatched Couples is a slapstick comedy about breakdancing made in 1985 starring a young Donnie Yen in his second film. The film is fast paced with tons of stuff going on but it gets confusing.  There is only one martial arts scene in this film(that appears at the end) but it is pretty decent. 

You will probably enjoy the film a lot if you are into breakdancing but in 2009 I doubt many of you are.

On a side note, everyone in the film has a weird make-up job. They all look like transvestites, including Donnie Yen.