Sunday, May 17, 2009

How Bruce Lee Changed the Wolrd (2009)

History Channel just aired a great new Bruce documentary. It is fantastic to see a modern documentary on him. This 2-hour film deals with how he influenced people from all walks of life. From musicians to comedians to athletes and actors.

Bruce Lee is more than just martial arts...he represents being the best or at least being the best you can possibly be.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Leg Fighters aka Invincible Kung Fu Legs (1978)

The Leg Fighters is an independent released martial arts film directed by Lee Tso Nam, starring Dorian Tan Tao-Liang and Ha Kwong Li and it is an above average old-school fu film.

I was impressed with the athletic and acrobatic prowess of Dorian Tan and especially impressed with the beautiful Ha Kwong Li. I am not normally into chicks fighting but Ha Kwong Li is is extremely graceful and flexible.

Another thing that is impressive is The Leg Fighters is an independent film and it rivals The Sammo Hung films from the same period.

The Leg Fighters is a fun, old movie.

The 36th Chamber of Shaolin aka The Master Killer (1978)

36th Chamber of Shaolin is widely considered to be one of the greatest kung fu films ever made but I am not sure why. It is pretty tame compared to the Sammo Hung-Yuen Biao films.

I just watched the Dragon Dynasty version. It was ok.