Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Invisible Traget (2007)

Invisible Target is a typical HK action film about cops vs. bad guys starring Nicholas Tse, Shawn Yue, and Jaycee Chan (son of Jackie Chan) but the real star is Jacky Wu Jing as the cool as ice baddie.

The film doesn't break any new ground or show you anything that you haven't seen before but that doesn't mean that it isn't fun at moments. The action scenes are typical HK action scenes but that is a good thing. The film can be hard to watch at times, especially when they are doing melodramatic acting scenes. In the case of Jaycee Chan, the apple seems to have fallen far from the tree. He is not a fighter and is somewhat effeminate. In all fairness he shouldn't have to be like his father. I hope he will find happiness for being his own man.

I think Invisible Target was made to showcase cute young boys but you may want to take a look, especially if you are a fan of Wu Jing.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Love & Pop (1998)

I just saw the region 1 DVD of Love & Pop released by Kino. I rented this film because of the packaging which is very misleading. The DVD package art makes it appear to be an erotic film. It couldn't be further from the truth.

Love & Pop is an art film directed by anime director Hideaki Anno. He shot Love & Pop using little, consumer Sony mini DV cameras. He makes the most of them by creatively putting them in crazy places which is interesting but can get annoying after awhile. I have to wonder if the makers of the Crank films watched Love & Pop because they look pretty similar.

Anyway, Love & Pop is too long and is mainly just watching teenage girls hangout, not doing too much interesting stuff. I think the fancy camera work is trying to compensate for the lack of action being done by the actors. Also, the film is neither sexy nor shocking.

That being said, there are a few good things going on with Love & Pop. If nothing else, it was a good experiment with digital video.

On a side note there is a music video on the disc that looks like it has better video quality than the actual film. In the video, the girls go to a nice beach and have fun. On the DVD cover you see the girls in bikinis. That picture is taken from the music video. They don't really appear in bikinis in the movie.